Prague, Czech Republic

Hey everyone, welcome back!

This will be a post about my trip to Prague. Prague is the capital and largest city in Czech Republic. I traveled to Prague with my friends for 4 days, from 15 May to 18 May 2016.As all my previous trips, we departed from Dublin to Prague by Ryanair.

Our accommodation in Prague was an entire apartment that could host 4 person but we were 5 so 3 of us had to “squeeze” on a double bed.


We really enjoyed our stay in this apartment. It wasn’t too big but it was well furnished and you can get everything you need. The apartment was good overall for the price so I would recommend you to stay in this apartment when you’re travelling in Prague.

We reached Prague at night on 15 May so we had a walk around our accommodation and had our dinner. We visited the tourist attractions on the second and third day and on 18 May, we did some shopping before leaving Prague. If you’re planning to travel to Prague, 3 full days would be enough.

Day 2:


That’s a Gothic tower in Prague called Powder Tower behind us



At the Old Town Square. It is one of the two main squares in Prague and Wenceslas Square is the other


Prague astronomical clock and it is the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world


The view of Old Town Square from the top of the astronomical clock tower


View from the astronomical tower


On Charles Bridge – one of the most visited sights in Prague


View from Charles Bridge

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That’s the tower at the end of Charles Bridge and the gateway to the old town


That’s Charles Bridge behind me and that’s how it looks like at night

Day 3:


The first temple of Czech Republic – St. Vitus Cathedral


St. Vitus Cathedral



Ice Pub Prague. The temperature is kept at -7 degree and everything inside is made of ice including the glass


In the ice pub. Thermal jackets and gloves will be given to the visitors to keep them warm

That’s all the places we visited during our trip. So now, let’s talk about the food in Prague.

1. Knedlíky. This is bread dumplings and is a traditional side dish in Czech cuisine. They are normally served along with main dishes.

2. Guláš. A dish that is originated in Hungary but Czech Guláš is prepared with fewer vegetables and larger portion of meat. Beef is usually used, but pork and chicken may be the alternatives. The meat is stewed and is served with gravy and bread dumplings.


The white bread-like thing is the bread dumpling.

3. Vepřo-knedlo-zelo. This is a dish with meat, bread dumplings and stewed cabbage or sauerkraut.20160516_175810.jpg

4. Svíčková. The dish consists of sirloin beef, creamy vegetable sauce, bread dumplings, whipped cream and cranberry sauce. This is a classic Sunday family lunch or dinner dish in Czech Republic.


5. Trdelník. Trdelník or chimney cakes are pastries made of rolled yeast dough  and are wrapped around a stick and roasted over an open flame. They are normally coated with cinnamon sugar but you can also get Trdelník with nutella spread inside.



6. Palačinky. These thin Czech pancakes look similar to French crepe but they are cooked in different method and are made of different batter. They are rolled up and served with different fillings such as ice cream, fruits, cream, jam or nuts.


Here comes to the end of this post. Stay tuned for my next post and I’ll see you there!

2 thoughts on “Prague, Czech Republic

  1. Joey Brown says:

    Awww reading all your posts made me feel so nostalgic, the astronomical tower was my favorite attraction in Prague as the view from the top was absolutely stunning by overlooking the old town from every angle and not to mention the ice pub! Miss it so much! ❤

    Thanks for recommending so many must-eat local food and sadly I just realized that I only tried Gulash and Palačinky among all, gonna conquer em all next time!!


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